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Hooray!!! Finish!!! I made it!!! I finished the lesson №30. In front there is an ultra practice, probably, it will be for all lessons of the course. I look forward to it.

Well, here I am at the 30th lesson! It seemed to me that there would be some complicated topics, but the topics were surprisingly light. And tasks are very easy to perform, errors, of course, there are, but because of inattention, and not because of misunderstanding of the topic.

I'm approaching the finish line! I'm already finishing lesson # 29 and I do not cease to admire this course!It's a pity that it comes to an end, because I usually expect every lesson with a foretaste of something new with an interesting presentation.

And most importantly, the what Anastasia so presents the material, that, of course, everything turns out, despite my initial doubts.I hate to finish the course; I want to continue this interesting process as long as possible and continue to enjoy my achievements.

Warm and happy wishes on your Birthday! With great pleasure I want to wish you much health, love, happiness and freedom in your dreams. Wish you eternal youth, original ideas, big success in everything you do! I wish you a long and amazing life. Be happy! Try to save you would not be happening.Happy Birthday to you! Thank you for the bright light you give us!

I am engaged in English at the School «Dragon-English» for a long time and I notice constant improvements in the interactive room. Each innovation makes the learning process more convenient, allows you to focus only on learning. Everything is very logical, nothing superfluous. The important thing is that technical support works very quickly. I thank the whole development team for the best online school.

Very inspiring is that, I can build complex sentences. But upsetting that I often make mistakes due to inattention. While I think about the complex, I do not notice the simple. I just don’t want to see the «red» answers.

But, the main thing is to be positive!

By the New Year holidays, the continuation of Intensiv on «times» came out. I went Intensiv, I really liked it, first of all by allowing me to «sort through» the few knowledge that I already had. And this is a new video about Intensive on «times»

I want to thank dragons and Anastasia for introducing me to the program Anki. This program is very helpful in learning words. I made a deck of Anki cards myself after watching the video

And now I can learn words that relate to a particular topic.

At the moment, has already reached a level that allows you to watch serials in which unpretentious dialogues. Sometimes I have to pause the video when the dialogues are very long, because I cannot remember everything. But, I manage to understand short sentences. I start to «feel» the language, it's so interesting!

A new video «Английские времена | TENSES in Dragon English» I have not yet completed the main course, but I've already passed Practical Intensity -" Powerful interactive charge «TIMES».I can tell that Anastasia helped me to understand the times very well, because the material is very accessible for perception, interesting and exciting.

I liked the video «Demonstration: How we check the answers instantly and what the others do not have!»

It's exactly like Anastasia tells! You write, analyze errors after checking and then listen to detailed analysis. Such a presentation of the material, as in this school, I could not find anywhere else.

I advance in small steps. Better slowly, but surely… I decided that I will write in the forum in English to practice. Now I pay more attention to conversational practice. I try to make my own suggestions and I repeat my listening lessons from previous lessons

Здесь Анастасия обещает разобрать много новых замечательных тем: себяшки-самостояшки (или как сказать, что объектом нашего действия являемся мы сами); как сказать могу, должен, вынужден что-то сделать; предлог OFв значении родительного падежа; слово IF в роли частицы ЛИ… Изучение этих тем разнообразит мой английский язык. А такая тема, как сравнение разных аспектов и структуры предложений, поможет мне более глубоко понимать и чувствовать язык. Мне нравится изучать новое, особенно, когда это наслаивается на уже пройденный материал.

Очень хочется уже бегло разговаривать на английском, но… Пока бегло не получается. Хорошо знаю теорию, хорошо пишу, а разговаривать сложнее и до беглости мне пока еще далековато. Ну, ничего, я знаю, что у меня все получится, просто надо набраться терпения. Еще раз прочитала инструкцию по прослушиванию аудио-файлов, это мне наполнило что такое беглость и как ее развивать и немного приободрило меня. Буду продолжать заниматься шаг за шагом.

Нравится мне прицельная практика! Особенно блоки с заданиями «ассорти». Прохожу с удовольствием, т. к. что-то при этом вспоминаешь, что-то уточняешь. А анализ совершенных ошибок очень способствует запоминанию правильных вещей. И в итоге, все знания раскладываются по полочкам.

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