Текст к двадцать третьему уроку. My dream or description of my dream.

Текст к двадцать третьему уроку.

My dream or description of my dream.

This morning when I woke up, I had that feeling as if I am not at ease. It seemed to me that everything that had happened in my dream was transferred to my real life. I decided to tell to my wife about it. So my dream was like a documentary film with passion. Everything happened in the village at sunset. The air was melting from the heat and I was uncomfortable. The desire to go somewhere has seized me. But I had a wife with me who asked me not to leave her alone there in that God forgotten place. But not paying attention to her request I’ve left, then I saw the next fragment of my dream. She was sitting on the sofa with her mother who died a few years ago. I tried to talk to my wife, but she was keeping a long pause. After that she said me if I did not love her please left her and never come back. After these words, I could not say anything. I tried to escape from the silent state and to explain that everything was wrong and I loved her very much. But she repeated the same phrase – go away, go away, go away. At that moment I woke up and remembered the words from the song of “Backstreet Boys”.                  “But my love is all I have to give.                                                                                                                                                         Without you I don’t think I can live,                                                                                                                                                                  I wish I could give the word to you… but                                                                                                                                                        Love is all I have to give”.                                                                                                                                                                       These words from the song liberated my mouth and brought me to my old life, which repeated itself like a dream.

  • 17:50
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