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И вот… приступив к изучению 27-ого урока, открываешь для себя весь структурный объем четырех аспектов английского, их взаимодействие между собой, как магия неисчерпаемости новых знаний с логической позиции самого английского языка, и как иной взгляда на мир «устами младенца». Английский, для меня пока, похож на большой системный организм, в котором мне еще предстоит испытать всю прелесть его волшебной силы в говорении. Выявить персональный лексический эликсир тонуса в избытке личной мотивации и таким образом, испытать личное изобилие вкусовых оттенков к Английскому Слову на уровне просветления. 

Как это прекрасно.

Приветствую всех. Хочу выразить еще раз свое восхищение и благодарность Анастасии и всей команде, за необыкновенное терпение в создании этого колоссального труда под названием «Авторский курс Анастасии Божок». Совсем скоро, наступит Новый 2020 год. Желаю Всем крепкого здоровья в грядущем году и счастья! Также в акте предпочтения желаю самому себе осуществить мою давнюю мечту свободно говорить на английском. На двадцать шестом уроке, уже в который раз, Анастасия спасает меня от подспудного желания бросить прохождения английского курса. Её вера в своих учеников и в себя, как в учителя, дает мне очередной шанс быть в общем потоке в изучении языка. Как это прекрасно! 

Двигаюсь по мере возможности. С уважением Юра.

Текст к двадцать третьему уроку.

My dream or description of my dream.

This morning when I woke up, I had that feeling as if I am not at ease. It seemed to me that everything that had happened in my dream was transferred to my real life. I decided to tell to my wife about it. So my dream was like a documentary film with passion. Everything happened in the village at sunset. The air was melting from the heat and I was uncomfortable. The desire to go somewhere has seized me. But I had a wife with me who asked me not to leave her alone there in that God forgotten place. But not paying attention to her request I’ve left, then I saw the next fragment of my dream. She was sitting on the sofa with her mother who died a few years ago. I tried to talk to my wife, but she was keeping a long pause. After that she said me if I did not love her please left her and never come back. After these words, I could not say anything. I tried to escape from the silent state and to explain that everything was wrong and I loved her very much. But she repeated the same phrase – go away, go away, go away. At that moment I woke up and remembered the words from the song of “Backstreet Boys”.                  “But my love is all I have to give.                                                                                                                                                         Without you I don’t think I can live,                                                                                                                                                                  I wish I could give the word to you… but                                                                                                                                                        Love is all I have to give”.                                                                                                                                                                       These words from the song liberated my mouth and brought me to my old life, which repeated itself like a dream.

Текст к двадцать второму уроку.

Incredible India!

I want to tell you about my trip to India four years ago. Before my travelling, I had an idea about India as a country in which all the fairy tales of the world are born. The first city, which was on my way, was – Amritsar. It is in the north part of India not far from Pakistan. At the airport, it was interesting to see how women were working at the customs point. After passing the customs point, I was met by an Indian driver. His English was unclear to me because at that time, my experience in English was very little and besides it seemed to me the driver spoke with great accent. That’s why it was difficult to understand him. Nevertheless through gestures I realized what to do. I got into his car and then we went to Dharamshala city, which is 1500 kilometers far from Amritsar. I was amazing that all along the road there were not open space. All land is built up with houses. I was also surprised by the narrow especially in the highlands. Mostly we were driving at night. Endless houses flashed outside the window of the car, the monotony of the night landscape made me very tired, and I decided to sleep. But we were on the road twelve hours. From time to time we stopped to stretch our legs and have some food. Early in the morning we drove into the city. This is the place where the residence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama is located. We went to the hotel where my friends from Moscow met me.

Текст к двадцать первому уроку. Film.

I want to tell you about the film that I watched five days ago. The name of this film is “Four rooms”. The film consists of four parts. The action takes place in one of the hotel’s room. There were three men and one woman. Three men made a bet. They called the receptionist to take part in this bet. They also asked him to bring some strange things. Donut, sandwich with mussels, cutting board, ice and cutter. The idea of bet was that one of the man had to light a lighter ten times in row. If the lighter does not light up, the receptionist must cut off the little finger of one of the man and get one thousand dollars. Receptionist agreed to take part in this. So, from the first time the lighter didn’t light up and the receptionist cut off the little finger didn’t think, got the money and went away.