Поздравления учеников для Анастасии

Поздравления учеников для Анастасии — Dragon Community

  • Статья содержит поздравления и благодарности от учеников учителю Анастасии.
  • Ученики выражают свою радость, благодарность и вдохновение от обучения у учителя.
  • Учитель получает поздравления с профессиональным праздником и пожелания успехов и учеников.
  • Ученики выражают благодарность учителю за его труд, теплоту, оптимизм и заботу.


  • 14:55
  • 325
  • 3963 Алия
  • 0

Dear Anastasia! Happy Birthday to you! My congratulations and best wishes to you of creative successes and personal happiness!!! I was so lucky that I found your course when I was browsing on the Internet. How long time I have been looking for it! Search and you will find!!! There are many different schools and teachers, but I believed Anastasia immediately! She is an impeccable and incredible teacher! I remember one phrase! A great teacher is someone who inspires you to do everything possible and to love yourself just the way you are! I am convinced that these words about our Anastasia! I started this course a year ago! And now I can write these words, perhaps with mistakes, but with all my heart! PS: I did not open my e-mail in a few days, and so I'm late with my congratulations! But I believe that good words are always welcome, and we can always say these ones to our dear people

Dear Anastasia, happy birthday!!! I'm so happy to be your student.
I'm very thankful for everything I've got during studying with you.
I wish you long long and very happy life. Be successful and happy!!!

Dear Anastasia! Thank you for your lessons, for your positiv,patience and hard work. You are a great teacher and amazing person. Wish you a lot of happiness.

Уважаемая Анастасия, с днем рождения! От всей души желаю вам Здоровья, что бы прийти к намеченной цели, удачи, что бы исполнились самые фантастические желания, радости, что бы она была всегда рядом в каждый миг вашей жизни и много много Любви, вы ее заслуживаете. Я вас обожаю. Ваша ученица. Это для вас С Днем Рождения!

Birthday girl, today’s your day!
Time to eat cake, sing songs and play! 
There are so many ways to have birthday fun.
Here’s hoping you get to do every one!
Amazing life will be your way, Forever, not only today.
And let all your troubles disappear,
And all your friends be always near!
I congratulate you on your birthday!
A lot of people can with me say
That you are a very nice a great friend
Who is always ready to understand!
I wish you, too, such a faithful as you friend.
I wish to love stories have a happy end!
I wish to healthy and cheerful was your child
And to you this year fate smiled!

Happy Birthday to you, our dear teacher! You'll take new heights, you'll rejoice us new achievements yet. I'm glad to see you in every lesson again and again. I'm glad to learn from you. You have so much positive emotions and the main thing is that you send them to us! You're so cool! Svetlana

Dear Anastasia, I want to congratulate you with your birthday! I wish you a lot of happiness, endless love and a new amazingly successfulles! Stay so beautiful kind friendly and brilliant! I'm so proud of you, my dear teacher! I love you! Happy birthday!!!

Dear Anastasia! Happy Birthday to you! You're amazingly attentive teacher! You understand your student's problem and accompany them throughout the course, supporting and encouraging them all. You're a wonderful person and a very nice woman! I'm glad to find your school! I wish you all the best, success and hope all your dreams come true! Many thanks! 

Happy birthday our dear Teacher Anastasia! I congratulate you from all my heart. You deserved our admiration and love. You always cheered us up. You've taught us never give up. We appreciate your advice. I've never heard so many kind words from other teachers. It was so interesting to figure out all the four aspects. I just felt Miss Marple while translating sentences .And it was just pity that there aren't more aspects in English. Thank you so much. You're an impeccable teacher and woman and stay the same all your life.

Dear Anastasia!!!! Happy Birthday to You! I wish you success in your work! I wish you to be healthy and happy! I am very grateful to you for your wonderful lessons! I'm happy to have such a wise unique teacher!!! Svetlana

Если «жизнь облыжная не дарит Вас дланями»-отправляйтесь в Dragon English загружаться знаниями!
«Take it easy» и «Cheer up» станут Вашим кредо, там сама Анастасия разгоняет беды!
Там бесценные дары -оптимизм и знания-раздают от всей души Настя и компания.
Потому желаем мы Насте в День рождения много-много жизни лет, здоровья и везения!
Анастасия! Вы-теплая и светлая как наше Солнце! Оставайтесь всегда такой!
Пусть с Вами будут здоровье, окружение любящих и любимых людей, исполнение желаний! 
С Днем рождения!

Happy birthday, dear Anastasia! You are the most positive person of the Universe and the best English teacher over the world! I have no words to express my deep gratitude for your contribution to my personal development! Birthdays are a new start, a fresh beginning and a time to pursue new endeavors with new goals. Move forward with confidence and courage. You are a very special person. May today and all of your days be amazing! May you dreams come true!

Happy birthday, dear Anastasia! You”re the teacher with a big heart
♥️ You*re such a talented teacher♥️  I wish you all the best and may you always
have so many grateful students! Let you have a lot of strength to give yourself to people,♥️

Dear Anastasia! Happy Birthday to you! На свете очень мало людей которые с радостью ходят на свою работу и отдаются ей полностью. Уже с первых уроков я увидела нечто необычное и потрясающее — сразу поняла, что вы не просто учитель, читающий скучные курсы, ради того, чтобы просто их прочитать. Нет!!! Вы Учитель с большой буквы, а DRAGON ENGLISH — не просто занятия, а ваше детище, которому вы отдаетесь полностью, без остатка, вкладываете всю свою душу. Для Вас важен не только процесс, как подать знания, но еще важнее результат, что останется в памяти после уроков, и на долго ли это запомнится. Жаль, что таких людей, как Вы, очень мало на свете. Желаю Вам здоровья, желаю процветать! И всем вашим Дракошам расти-расти, летать

With all my heart I wish you Anastasia, many happy at this day! Let all your dreams came true, like a hopes and expectations in your life. I wish you to have a big success in all your deals and great happiness! Thank you for your being in my life! Happy birthday!