Поздравления учеников для Анастасии

Поздравления учеников для Анастасии — Dragon Community

  • Статья содержит поздравления и благодарности от учеников учителю Анастасии.
  • Ученики выражают свою радость, благодарность и вдохновение от обучения у учителя.
  • Учитель получает поздравления с профессиональным праздником и пожелания успехов и учеников.
  • Ученики выражают благодарность учителю за его труд, теплоту, оптимизм и заботу.


  • 15:40
  • 330
  • 5666 Marina
  • 0

Happy Birthday to You, Anastasia! With love from Moldova!

Dear Anastasia! Happy Birthday to you! Congratulations! Прочитав слова Т. Рузвельта: «Believe you can, and you're halfway there», я поняла, что благодаря Вам поверила в себя и уже на полпути!!! Я больше не боюсь английского языка, лишь сожалею об утраченном времени. Thank you for you, many, many, many wishes!!!

Happy birthday, Anastasia! thank you for your work! You great, awesome and wonderful person! I like your lessons and your wisdom! Every day with your lesson to do me better than i am :) i wish you many people like you on your way! Thank you very much! 

Dear Brilliant our Teacher Anastasia! Happy Birthday! We wish you the Best! Thank you so much for a lot of knowledge, that you gave us! You are a teacher from God! How you are understandable, cleverly explaining everything! You also taught us values and beauty in life! I'll be grateful to you my great teacher for the rest of my life! You are so young but you are with so challenge character! We wish you excellent health, more happiness, and a lot of successes! Let the sky is limit for you!

Happy Birthday to you, dear Anastasia!!! I wish you light, good, much joy and happiness!!

Happy birthday dear Anastasia!!! С Днем Рождения Анастасия. Всех благ, тепла, красоты и счастья!!!
Благодарю за курс и возможность обучаться, которую ты дала подарив бонусы!!

Happy birthday Anastasia!
Thank you for your wonderful lessons. I am 65 years old and for me it is a breakthrough.
I stopped exactly half way. Now I have an active practice. Surprisingly,
I understand and native speakers understand me. I will definitely continue in the autumn

Happy Birthday my favorite teacher. Я просто счастлива, что наши дороги пересеклись и у меня появилась надежда выучить английский язык. Ваши уроки просто превосходны. От всего сердца желаю Вам всех благ, пусть будет много счастливый моментов, всегда рядом любящие и ценящие Вас люди. Божьих благословений!

Dear Anastasia! Happy Birthday to you! My congratulations and best wishes.
I'm happy I've found you and the school Dragon English.
You do the best of you for millions people. Thank you so much.

You’re an amazingly positive person, Anastasia! I admire you as a person and a teacher. Now there's nothing more exciting for me than learning English “step by step”. You’re our guide in the English-speaking world; you help us to believe in our abilities and you do all the best for this. I want to wish you health, personal happiness, the peace and joy in your present and future. May the successes of your students always please you and inspire you to new achievements. Happy Birthday, our dear Anastasia!

Anastasia! Happy Birthday to you! My congratulations and best wishes. Thank you so much for your lessons! Thanks to them, I began to learn English from scratch. And it turns out for me! Though still it is a lot of to be engaged, without interrupting. I wish you good health, excellent mood always. Family happiness, success in all good deeds. Let on your way there are only kindness, loyalty, devotion and Love! Анастасия! С Днем рождения тебя! Мои поздравления и наилучшие пожелания. Огромное спасибо за Ваши уроки! Благодаря им я начала изучать с нуля английский язык. И получается у меня! Хотя еще много следует заниматься, не прерывая. Желаю Вам крепкого здоровья, отличного настроения всегда. Семейного счастья, успешности во всех благих делах. Пусть на вашем пути встречаются только доброта, верность, преданность и Любовь!

Dear Anastasia! Happy Birthday to you! My congratulations and best wishes to you. I'm happy that with your help comprehend English. My passionate desire is to speak English in this year. You're clever and beautiful person and God bless you! I believe in you and I proud of I am your student! Best regards

Happy Birthday,Anastasia!I'm so glad to learn English with you!I wish you Health,Happiness and Great love!!!

Hey, Anastasia! How are You doing? Are you asking how I am. I'm great! How was your Birthday? I'm sory, but I forgot about your Birthday. Don't worry! I'm congratulating You right now. Dear our teacher! You teach us to learn everything new step by step and never give up. I wish You always to follow this principle. And your dreams will become reality. Do You have dreams? I know You do… I'm happy to be acguainted with You. Be happy.

Dear Anastasia! With great pleasure I want to wish you much health, love, happiness and freedom in your dreams. Wish you eternal youth, original ideas, big success in everything you do! Be happy! Try to save you would not be happening. Happy birthday !!!!!!