Поздравления учеников для Анастасии
Поздравления учеников для Анастасии — Dragon Community
- Статья содержит поздравления и благодарности от учеников учителю Анастасии.
- Ученики выражают свою радость, благодарность и вдохновение от обучения у учителя.
- Учитель получает поздравления с профессиональным праздником и пожелания успехов и учеников.
- Ученики выражают благодарность учителю за его труд, теплоту, оптимизм и заботу.
Happy Birthday, Anastasia!!! Любви, удачи и благополучия!!!
Андрей Николаевич
Anastasia's birthday. I always, when I wanted to congratulate one of the most respected people, I was beginning with a description of some circumstances that were directly related to this event. Thanks to the professional data of our birthday girl and her talent, I can now write this description using such words as «when», «for now», «every day», «every evening» and other structures are quite correct from the point of view of practical grammar. Two years ago, when Anastasia was already teaching English through her u-tub channel, I was thinking that it’d be nice to try to start learning English, especially since I was studying this subject in the early years at the Institute. No sooner said than done. Probably, like many of us, I first was listening to free lessons from Anastasia. I really liked them. Then I was paying the necessary sum of money and I was starting to learn English under the guidance of our respected teacher. While Anastasia was commenting on her introductory lessons and practical exercises, I was glad that this girl isn’t only beautiful and attractive in appearance, but also that Anastasia is fully educated and loves her subject and her students. I’m very grateful to Anastasia for such qualities as patience, manifestations of a strong character and all respect for us, for your students. In honor of the birthday, I join in all the pleasant congratulations that were said to the birthday girl before me and I want to wish Anastasia good health, a Caucasian longevity, a clear cloudless sky and all that she wants. Thanks and Let it be so!
Dear Anastasia Happy Birthday to You.Желаю здоровья, счастья, процветания вашей фирме.
Happy birthday my dear teacher! I adore you! You're awesome! You're beautiful!
You're the best! I'll not be say many words but I really want you to be happy!
Happy birthday to our amazing teacher! We are so grateful for all your enthusiasm and encouragement!
Happy Birthday, Dear Anastasia! This is your special day, so let’s make it memorable!
Dear Anastasia! Happy Birthday! You are the best! Thank you!
My dear teacher, Happy Birthday to you! I wish you happines and health! May all your dreams come true! Anastasia, you are the best!
Dear Anastasia! Happy Birthday to you! I want that you will be the happiest person on the Earth. Health and luck for you! Great thank you for all. You are great Teacher and very good person! Thank you for all !
Dear Anastaia, Happy Birthday!!! I wish you great happiness, great love and good health!!!
You are the best teacher in the world! I'm very glad learning English with you! Be happy!!!
Dear Anastasia! Happy Birthday to you! You are very beautiful and friendly! Thank you for lessons!!!
Happy Birthday to You!!! My congratulation to You our dear teacher and very charming girl.
I wish You all the best, good health, nice mood.
Be successful in your professional way and happy in your personal life
Dear Anastasia! Happy Birthday to you! My congratulations and best wishes!
I wish you personal happiness. You are awesome!You are the great teacher.
Dear Anastasia, Happy birthday!
I wish you many happy days.
You are a great teacher. Thank you very much!!!
Happy birthday dear Anastasia!!! I wish you health, happiness, success in everything you do .