Поздравления учеников для Анастасии

Поздравления учеников для Анастасии — Dragon Community

  • Статья содержит поздравления и благодарности от учеников учителю Анастасии.
  • Ученики выражают свою радость, благодарность и вдохновение от обучения у учителя.
  • Учитель получает поздравления с профессиональным праздником и пожелания успехов и учеников.
  • Ученики выражают благодарность учителю за его труд, теплоту, оптимизм и заботу.


Happy birthday dear Anastasia! YOU are very  good teacher and beautiful girl!!!
Спасибо Вам за огромный труд. С Вами так интересно учиться!

Пусть этот день станет чудесным праздником для Вас!
Пусть этот день вдохнёт воспоминания о детстве и тех чудесных светлых чувств ребёнка.
Огромная благодарность за отличнейшую программу английского языка!
Это ещё один солнечный луч, появившийся в моей жизни.
Пусть это приносит Вам и далее много успеха, друзей и радости.

You are a great teacher and a wonderful woman. Take my congratulations on your Birthday Party.
I wish you to stay such a positive person which give us so many energy, knowledge and happiness
in the process studying English. I'm happy and proud of that you're my teacher. 
With respect Zhenya.

Dear and a cute teacher Anastasia! I`m happy to congratulate you with your Birthday! You`re a very talented and unique person and also a great teacher.I`m very happy to learn English in our team English-Dragon. Actually, knowledge of any language discloses the hidden opportunities and talents of each person. This is broadens the mind and unites people. English-Dragon school is unique in its approach to English language teaching. The school gives hope and helps to learn to speak English to anyone who is trained by the English-Dragon team. Thank you for your talented work! I happy to learn from you. I wish the further growth and prosperity of our unique school. You are the best!

Happy birthday dear Anastasia!!! I'm glad to learning English with you, thank you very much!!!!!

Dear Anastasia, happy Birthday! You`re THE great teacher! I admire you!

Dear Anastasia!!! Happy birthday to you!!! With all my heart i wish you all the best,happiness,endless love, a lot of joy, let all your dreams come true,success in your personal life and work.I'm very happy to be your student. And i 've never met such a wonderful, positive,cheerful, pretty teacher as you. I admire you. :))) 

Dear Anastasia! You're the best teacher I've ever known and you're a very positive person!
I wish you to be happy! And I want you to have as talented pupils as you are! 

Dear, sweet, unsurpassed my teacher! Every year you exorcise yourself to us, let's our students. Many teachers would have melted like a candle from such terrible tension, moral and nervous exhaustion. But this does not apply to you in any way, because every year you become more and more energetic, more beautiful and more beautiful. Usually they say all sorts of banalities like: «Stay the way you are», I'll say this: «Make yourself more satisfied with yourself and pay attention to us,» then we will not let you down, the whole world will be yawning, and then the entire population of the planet is low to you we will bow and whisper (not to disturb your creative thoughts and not to confuse you) we will say «Thank you, Anastasia»!))

Our Amazing Teacher! it's the second time I've had an ability to write you Birthday Wishes. I'm not sure there is something else left in these comments that you haven't heard yet. But I still would love to repeat every warm and admiring word. You really deserve each of them! Please keep carrying your thankful pupils all the knowledge, wisdom and just the positive mindset. You do it like a God. Forever yours admirer Вера 

Yippee!!! Dear Anastasia, happy Birthday! I wish you happiness and love. Thank you. Take care of yourself.

Dear Anastasia! Happy birthday to you and best wishes! I have been learning English with great pleasure and anthusiasm for few months, and this pleasure don't finish, because you have created a wonderful course not like the others, where everithing is simple and natural. I often find things I've never known in my life, although I'm seventy two years old and started learning English in 1957. I see my knowledge is growing and I'm sure that I'll be able to speak to the Englishmen, where I'm going to go in three week. I wish you health and success in everything!

Dear Anastasia, happy birthday to you!!! You're really a brilliant teacher and I think you know that:) Your amazing English course helps us to master our English. Your knowledge, enthusiasm, patience, dedication make this course so special. You color our world, you broaden our horizon. You help us think in a different way. I have a lot to thank you for. I've finished the course and have to admit that I couldn't have done it without your support. You always believe in your students, you help us believe in ourselves. And even though I'm not very good at English but I CAN express my thoughts and feelings in English. And it's you who taught me to do that. Thank you for everything! 

Dear Anastasia Happy Birthday to you.  
Дорогая Настенька,  Ты возвращаешь Божественную Любовь двум мирам —
Английскому и Русскому и твоим ученикам и почитателям… А ведь Бог есть Любовь...

Анастасия, еще поздравление — спасибо за уроки, за позитив, за то, что двигаюсь, хоть и с черепашьей скоростью, но это не так важно, кто идет, тот идет, тот становится другим, спасибо Вам за это!!! Удачи! Здоровья! Позитива всегда и во всем!!! Солнышка! Счастья! Чудес и волшебства!