Любители Путешествий

  • Рейтинг: 1
  • Создана 6 лет назад
  • Владелец Caring Dragon

Стена группы

8474 Ольга #
hello! Я только начинаю учиться, но уже хочу путешествовать!!!
Bogdana #
Hello! I am newcomer here. If someone wants to communicate with me, I will be very glad. Have a nice day!
How do you do! Kazan is great and I'm planing to have a rest this May abroad, searching options. Could anyone give me advice or make a company?
7752 Анастасия #
7386 Татьяна (а) #
I was in Kazan on august. It is wondeful city! Kazan has many monumants of architecture, a lot of flowers, city parks. 40 museums located in Kazan. I was in Kremlin's museums, in Mosques. Museum of Baratynski -the only in Russia. I had greate impression of Vasiliev's museum. Vasiliev is uniqe painter! There are many artist styles in his creative. I was impressed by excursions to Sviyazhsk and Raif's monastery. A lot of tourists from different countrys come to Kazan. I advice everyone to visit this beautiful city!