Повторение построения некоторых вопросов с What и How.

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Hi everybody! How are you doing? I'm fine!

I've passed the twenty-first lesson. Every lesson is getting more interesting!

In the previous lessons we learned new topics: phrases with words «What» and «How». Today I joined all these topics in my presentation. It helped me remember all differences and similarities between these phrases.
I hope that it'll help you too! Let's start!

1. Рассмотрим специальные вопросы What's it like..?

1.1. What's she like? Какой она человек?
Здесь делается акцент на личности и его характере.

What's their Dad like? He's a very determined person. He always achieves his goals.
What's he like? He's very caring and supportive. He's a great friend.

1.2. What does he look like? Как он выглядит?
Акцент уже на внешности.

What does his girlfriend look like? She's very attractive. She has blue eyes and blond hair.
What does your car look like? It's light-blue cabriolet.

2. Следующие вопросы What's it like...? и What does it feel like...?

2.1. What's it like to be a child? Каково это быть ребенком?
Здесь акцент делается на приобретенном опыте, впечатлениях.

What's it like to have own business? It takes a lot of responsibility and discipline. In other words, it's quite challenging!
What's it like to be a teacher? Well, it takes a lot of responsibility and hard work, but I adore my job, because I help people became better!

2.2. What does it feel like to be a child? Каково это чувство быть ребенком?
Здесь акцент уже на чувства, ощущения, эмоции.

What does it feel like to swim in the ocean? Oh, it's pure magic!
What does it feel like to be a mother? Well, sometimes it's stressful, but most of the time it's just amazing!

3. Следующие вопросы, которые мы сравним между собой: What does it feel like...? и How does it feel...?

3.1. What does it feel like to be in love? Какое это чувство быть влюблённым?
Акцент на чувствах, ощущениях, эмоциях.

3.2. How does it feel to be in love? Переводится, как первая фраза: Какое это чувство быть влюблённым?
Здесь акцент ставится тоже на чувствах, ощущениях, эмоциях.
Нет различий.

What does it feel like to live in a hot country? Oh, it feels fantastic! I swim in the ocean all year round. How cool is that?
How does it feel to live in a hot country? Oh, it feels like magic! I sunbathe and swim in the ocean all year round.

На этом всё!
Good luck! See you soon!

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