Дневник успеха. Взрослая женщина и английский язык (6)

Продолжаю писать свои сочинения. И с каждым разом это становится делать все проще. В этот раз я после того, как написала сочинение в тетради, набрала его в файле. Вот такой получился текст.

Hi, my dear friend Helena.
Today I want to tell you about my rest. Now I am in Cyprus.
I live here alone.
But I have my friends here.
We sometimes drink coffee in restaurant and we have dinner or have lunch there.
It is not often. I went here by plane.
I went to Larnaka from airport by taxi.
Much people go to Larnaka from airport by bus.
What do we often talk about with my friend?
We often talk about our families and our travels.
I remember about my grandchildren.
My grandson will go to his friend to Zug. His friend will have birthday. His friend wants to do party.
My grandson will go to there with his sister. They will go by train. He always waits for these parties. They will go there in a week.
They will give an amazing present for their friend.
Children often eat tasty cakes and drink coca cola there.
What do I want to tell about me?
I drink my tasty coffee every morning.
And how are you?
What do you do today?
Did you talk your colleagues about your children?
You told me about your friend. He brought for you flowers. When did he bring these flowers?
What will do I talk about me?
As you know, I drink my tasty coffee every day, every morning.
What do you think about these?
Tomorrow I will try to finish this letter.
Now it is all.
Have a good day.

Преследую цель кроме того, чтобы знать английский и свободно общаться, хочу освоить английскую раскладку и печатать слепым методом и десятью пальцами.

  • 07:55
  • 331
  • 2451 Татьяна
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