Дневник успеха Взрослая женщина и английский язык (7)

Продолжаю писать свои сочинения. И с каждым разом это становится делать все проще. В этот раз я после того, как написала сочинение в тетради, набрала его в файле. Вот такой получился текст:

Hi, Helena.
You know I study English. Today I finished sixth lesson.
It is great.
Our teacher has name Anastasia. Everyday I listen to her voice and I repeat her lessons.
She tells us to need to study English. Nice to see her.
And these lessons taught me very interesting things.
Who am I? I am Tatyana.
I am a good person. I am not bad person.
I am not in a hurry. To do this I need to be strong.
I do not get a letter from you long ago.
Our friend Olga told me about her work. She needs to find a new job, because she goes to work by public transport.
She goes from home to work 2 hour. It is very a lot of time.
She was late 2 or 3 times in week. Olga is tired. She will start to look for a new job in a month.
On Monday Olga and I watched an interesting film.
Did you see your friends last week?
Olga wants us to have dinner or lunch together.
Who will she need to talk with? With you? Or with me?
I have excellent solution. Lets we go to Olga’s party on Sunday next week.
Do you want to go to this place?
What do you want me to do?
Have a good day, Helena


  • 07:55
  • 378
  • 2451 Татьяна
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