Поздравления учеников для Анастасии

Поздравления учеников для Анастасии — Dragon Community

  • Статья содержит поздравления и благодарности от учеников учителю Анастасии.
  • Ученики выражают свою радость, благодарность и вдохновение от обучения у учителя.
  • Учитель получает поздравления с профессиональным праздником и пожелания успехов и учеников.
  • Ученики выражают благодарность учителю за его труд, теплоту, оптимизм и заботу.


Дорогая Анастасия, с Днем Рождения! Пусть каждый день вашей жизни будет чудесным и неповторимым в окружении самых дорогих людей! Пусть реализуются все возможности и доставляют вам удовольствие! Я счастлива изучать английский язык именно с вами, где каждый урок-это встреча с замечательным учителем, прекрасным человеком, встреча всегда с чем-то радостным, позитивным, светлым и правильным. 

Dear Anastasia, happy birthday to you! Be happy and healthy.
You help me to realize my dream to speak English. Thank you very much

Dear Anastasia! I wish you a long and amazing life.
I wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings.
Most importantly, I wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life.
Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day!

Something we learn every day is exciting.
Sometimes, something we learn can be dull and boring.
But anyway our teacher is the most amazing person in the world! 

Dear Anastasia! With all my heart — Happy birthday!
You are very beautiful, clever and talented. Keep being as you are!
Happy Birthday and many happy days in a new year of yours!

I want to wish you very much: happiness, love and friendlier people.
I wish you that you can easy to solve problems.
Because it always will be. And “solving problems” help us to rise up.
Well, I wish that you rising up easy all the time) 

Thank you for your work and always a positive mood that supports us in any difficult moments.
Our dragons are the best, kind and clever. I'm glad to be your student. I wish you happiness and great love!

I won't be original and say Happy, happy, happy Birthday, dear Anastasia!
My wishes are the best from a depth of my heart. I know you for a few years and admire you.
You are beautiful, friendly and kind. You are the best teacher, I know.
I speak English but make a lot of mistakes, you help me avoid and fix them.
Thank you, sincerely, Raisa.

Уже больше года я не расстаюсь с твоими уроками и с сожалением думаю, что они могут закончиться.
Ты талантлива во всем и я желаю тебе успешных, трудолюбивых, целеустремлённых учеников, успехов всей команде и, конечно, здоровья и счастья!

Dear Anastasia! You are teacher is the kindest person that I/ve ever met
And I can say You are charming confident and intelligent literate. 
The only thing that I want you to keep in talented mind is that you are the best 

Dear Anastasia! I wish you a long and amazing life. I wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings.
Most importantly, I wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day!
Let you have happiness and good fortune without problems and troubles. I wish you and all your dearest to have also good health! Happy birthday! 

Dear ANASTASIA!!! You are a great teacher!!! Your course is the best! Thank you!!!
I wish you to be healthy and happiness every moment of your life! Have a good day! 

Dear Anastasia! With all my heart I wish you always to have strong health, excellent success in your job and great personal happiness. Thank you for the knowledge that you generously share with your students.I was happy to learn English at your school.

Dear Anastasia! Be healthy and happy. You're the best teacher in the world.
Good luck and success in all your things.Progress for the school Dragon-English. 

Dear Anastasia! You are very beautiful,clever and talented!
Keep being as you are!I wish you every success! Be happy for this moment,this moment is your life!