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Отзывы из YouTube о Dragon-English — Dragon Community

  • Курс помогает избавиться от страха быть непонятым и дает разрешение делать ошибки.
  • Ученики отмечают высокий уровень преподавания английского языка Анастасией.
  • Курс предоставляет интересные темы и помогает узнать о себе самом.
  • Ученики выражают удовлетворение и прогресс в изучении английского языка благодаря курсу.
  • Курс нацелен на результат и продуктивность для всех, кто хочет овладеть или усовершенствовать английский язык.
  • Симбиоз дара харизматичного педагога и современных технологий предоставляет возможности для обучения.


  • 17:25
  • 322
  • 5295 Лариса
  • 0

thank you!.You collected a great team.
She gives positive and professionalism.I wish you health!

Dear Vyacheslav! My congratulations and my gratitude for your work together with Anastasiya and with all Dragon's family to learn us English. Now I can express feelings of all our students (I mean it!): we thank you, we love you, we wish you a lot of health and success.

I wish you Health, Love, further success in your necessary and wonderful work.
Many new, interesting ideas for learning English. Thank you very much for your wonderful project !!!

 Dear Vyacheslav!Please accept my heartiest congratulations.
Let you have happiness and good fortune without problems and troubles.
I wish you and all your dearest to have also good health!
Let all your opportunities are easily realized!Many thanks for your organizing such a wonderful course. 

I wish You health happiness success prosperity and long beautiful life till 120 /one hundred and twenty / years!!!
I wish a lot of interesting ideas new projects and to achieve all your goals!!!
Thanks for everything you together do for us with lovely Anastasia and wonderful dragons .I admire you!

Dear Vyacheslav! With great pleasure I want to wish you a long and happy life!!!
Success in everything!!! Have a great time on Saturday!

Dear Vyacheslav!I wish you happiness, good health, love and just everything your heart desires.
Thank you very much for your team’s project! This is the best course of all other English courses.
I hope that Anastasiya and your great team keep working on this project.
Yours student Victoriay

Dear Vyacheslav! I wish you to always be healthy, happy and successful! You've created such a great team of dragons and we love all of them. I wish you a long life full of lots of joy, love, happiness and success! I wish your dreams will come true because you deserve it. You're handsome, intelligent, generous, talented and positive! I believe you'll achieve all your goals! Thanks for everything what you do for us all! Have a happy Birthday! And many happy returns of the day!

Vyacheslav, i want to tell you that you did an excellent thing for me, your very successful project Dragon-English gave me so necessary knowledge for me, if wouldn't you then there wasn't anything:) Thank you so much for what you are. I wish you don't stop on achieved, move on only to forward, and please us all. :) Happiness, health, and a lot of fun for you and for your family :)

Dear Vycheslav, happy birthday to you. I wish you a lot of happiness, healthy and love.
Thank you for your job. I'm very happy to be your student.

Be healthy, happy and always loved!
I wish you great friends, inspiration and always go only forward!

Thank you for all!!! =)) Желаю Вам стремительного роста в верх и только вперед!!!
УРАА!!! Отдельное спасибо команде… это заряд позитива ))))

Vyacheslav! It is a great thing to know that all your hard work had such a successful result!
I used to read and write English poorly but now I read and write better.
It is possibly thanks to your help.You are amiable thoughtful and earnest person.
Your work is a real treat! Many happy returns (of the day). Respectfully Serekpay.

Dear Vyacheslav!

It was a pleasant thing for me to learn of your approaching birthday as it gives me the opportunity of adding my good wishes to those of your many colleagues and friends. Your life has been so full of great achievements and well-earned successes that you must feel great satisfaction. Please accept my heartiest congratulations.Let all your fond dreams, hopes and expectations come true in your new year. I wish you always to have cheerful mood, good health, strength to resist difficulties and patience, big success in all your dealings and great personal happiness! Thank you for the bright light you give us! Thank you for your being in this world! Happiness and good luck!

 wish you a lot of Healths, new discoviers anchievements and successes in your do.
May you life be well with happiness be mighty and joy be pure that of a CHILD!!!
I love you and and happines head- Dragon with your BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!