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Отзывы из YouTube о Dragon-English — Dragon Community

  • Курс помогает избавиться от страха быть непонятым и дает разрешение делать ошибки.
  • Ученики отмечают высокий уровень преподавания английского языка Анастасией.
  • Курс предоставляет интересные темы и помогает узнать о себе самом.
  • Ученики выражают удовлетворение и прогресс в изучении английского языка благодаря курсу.
  • Курс нацелен на результат и продуктивность для всех, кто хочет овладеть или усовершенствовать английский язык.
  • Симбиоз дара харизматичного педагога и современных технологий предоставляет возможности для обучения.


  • 20:00
  • 300
  • 887 Марина
  • 0

You're the best example for me. You're the most positive person that I've ever met.
You're the most talented teacher that I've ever learned from. I wish you happiness and all the best. T
hank you. Yippee!

I wish you health and good mood every day very very many students. 
i'm glad to be your students thank you so very much for everything

You are a great teacher and we’re all a little in love with you.
Thank you very much for your learning course. It’s very useful and brilliantly done. Be happy! 

Dear Anastasia! Hope your special day brings you all you want! May all your dreams come true!
With great pleasure I want to wish you much health, love, happiness and freedom in your dreams.
Wish you eternal youth, original ideas, big success in everything you do! Be happy!
Try to save you would not be happening. 

Dear Anastasia, I am honored to congratulate you on your birthday! I am proud of the fate of the meeting with you.
You are the man who brings joy to people. After all, knowledge of English is the joy of communication,
the way of knowing, improving oneself! 

Only the best wishes to you! I'm very grateful for the fact that you appeared in my life.
You're like a ray of light in the darkness. You're teaching me to believe in myself, to do my best and never give up.
I wish you personal happiness, to love and to be loved all your life.

Dear Anastasia!!! I wish you to be healthy and very-very happy from all my heart!!!
You are the finest teacher and person!!! I like you very much !!!!

Dear Anastasia!!!! I wish you success in your work! I wish you to be healthy and happy!
I am very grateful to you for your wonderful lessons! I'm happy to have such a wise unique teacher !!! 

Dear Anastasia! Be happy, be healthy, be proud of your students. Be sure that you have infinity ahead of you and you'll always be young and happy. Thank you for your hard work you've done. Thank you for your optimism,your support and confidence in your students because it's very important for them.

Dear and a cute teacher Anastasia! You`re a very talented and unique person and also a great teacher.I`m very happy to learn English in our team English-Dragon. Actually, knowledge of any language discloses the hidden opportunities and talents of each person. This is broadens the mind and unites people. English-Dragon school is unique in its approach to English language teaching. The school gives hope and helps to learn to speak English to anyone who is trained by the English-Dragon team. Thank you for your talented work! I happy to learn from you. I wish the further growth and prosperity of our unique school. You are the best!

I am happy to learn English with you. You are a wonderful teacher!
Thank you! You are such an interesting person!
You are beautiful, attractive, friendly. Keep it up! I want you to have many friends!
I want you to be happy! Yippee! Have a great day! See you.

CONGRATULATIONS on your birthday, dear Nastenka!!!!!!!!!!  Really want to see You for a long time lived and delighted all of us with his aroooooooooo heart and soul!!!!!!You extraordinary SUPER TEACHER!!! WE are very proud to know You!!!!!!!!!You know around the world!!!!!!!

Dear Anastasia! Please accept my very best wishes for your Birthday!

It is easy for us to learn English, we accept our mistakes, take our time and enjoy the process, because you have taught us a lot.Difficult topics after your explanation becomes simple and understandable.It is great thing to know that all your hard work had such a successful result.There is a special way of teaching in our magnificent school «Dragon-English» where we learn to put our thoughts into words in English correctly. It is great your merit.I love to learn from your because you are great master. You does his best to cheer us up. I admire You! Thanks to your care and a great team of wonderful school your students are enjoying the highest quality services. The day we «met» was the most rewarding day of my life. To describe my feelings — words are not enough. I understand and I speak English a little. Soon, according to your methods, I will speak on the present. Everything that is done with love, remains forever. I am grateful to you for your help and support. I wish you a fortune!I wish you good health and happiness in the life!

Faithfully yours Serekpay.

Я в начале пути. поэтому пишу пока по-русски )) Честно говоря, не видел еще преподавателей (а я их много видел) искренне заинтересованных в успехе своих учеников. Анастасия относится именно к таким, редким, одарённым преподавателям, которые умеют и радоваться и переживать за своих учеников. А еще, у Анастасии талант обращать не очень приятное в очень приятное. У кого, скажите, в школе или в институте, английский был любимым предметом? Сомневаюсь, что таких найдется много… А этот курс, благодаря Анастасии, стал любимым занятием! Большое спасибо Вам Анастасия за этот курс и получаемые знания! Успехов Вам во всех начинаниях, и во всём везения и удачи!

Уважаемая и дорогая Анастасия! Не получилось у меня вовремя поздравить Вас с Днем рождения, на то были веские причины. Поэтому от всей души поздравляю сейчас своего Учителя от Бога с днем рождения! Пусть будущее несет Вам счастье, гармонию и здоровье. Пусть Мир повернется к Вам самой лучшей стороной и одарит Вас процветанием, благополучием и искренней радостью. Пусть жизнь со всей нежностью окутает вас добротой светлых событий. Пусть сбудутся Ваши самые сокровенные мечты. !